Originally posted on 2/15/16
When you want something you don't have or miss, when things aren't going as you planned or moving as fast as you want, or when you are not in a comfortable place (health-wise or circumstantially), ask yourself what might be really bothering you? During times of such wondering, often the state of our heart will be laid bare, exposed as well perhaps as idols we may have erected along the way. Are we complaining? Are we whining? Are we impatient? Could God be orchestrating things behind the scenes, perhaps at a slower pace than we desire, but above and beyond all we could have hoped for? Occasionally, as I listen to conversations and requests for prayer, I wonder if we have developed a stronger affinity for just being comfortable (no matter what we may profess to the contrary) than we do for seeking the deeper things, seeking to understand the real reason for our discomfort and embracing it as a time of growth individually.
When you want something you don't have or miss, when things aren't going as you planned or moving as fast as you want, or when you are not in a comfortable place (health-wise or circumstantially), ask yourself what might be really bothering you? During times of such wondering, often the state of our heart will be laid bare, exposed as well perhaps as idols we may have erected along the way. Are we complaining? Are we whining? Are we impatient? Could God be orchestrating things behind the scenes, perhaps at a slower pace than we desire, but above and beyond all we could have hoped for? Occasionally, as I listen to conversations and requests for prayer, I wonder if we have developed a stronger affinity for just being comfortable (no matter what we may profess to the contrary) than we do for seeking the deeper things, seeking to understand the real reason for our discomfort and embracing it as a time of growth individually.
When we are stripped of things that bring us comfort, security, happiness and pleasure, when we face health issues or trials of various sorts and come to the end of ourselves, it is there we may find what truly motivates our words, our deeds...our lives and...hopefully, in the end, we will find where our true strength comes from, what really matters and what our true need really is. "The good news of suffering is it brings us to the end of ourselves...It brings us to a place ofhonesty, which is the place of freedom. Suffering leaves our idols in pieces on the ground..." It is completely counter cultural these days to think of suffering as a good thing. And yet, if it strips us of all the peripheral, non-essentials and focuses us on Christ as our full and complete provision, there will never be a sweeter place. Are you really in NEED? Do you really WANT...HIM? If yes, then allow Him to peel back the layers of anything that would hinder your arrival to this sweet place.
In my most difficult, uncomfortable, uncertain and painful seasons, I have found the most precious place of communion and times of knowing my Savior, the one who gave up every comfort and luxury...HIS LIFE...for my sake and God's glory. My prayer is that we would all ask the tough questions of ourselves and not fear the honest answers, but rather TRUST as we submit to the process of sanctification, He who is ever faithful will bring us into a deeper walk with Him and a better understanding of ourselves and our NEED of Him, and consequently, an insatiable growth in our WANT of Him and His presence in our life!
For a great article on the above check this out...
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