Saw this today and thought long and hard about it. You see, I know quite a few people who quietly endure what they never talk about or have answers for...and my heart breaks. I want to say, I know your deepest pain, the things you never talk about or those things you struggle making sense of. I know that when the days end comes and you lay your head to rest, you can’t enter into the rest you so desire to enter into...night, after night, after night...I know how you long to be known and fully loved with every hurt, scar, doubt, insecurity. Still, you go on doubting it’s possible. I know the isolation and separation you experience being in plain sight, yet wondering if anyone will ever bother scratching beneath the surface to find YOU...all of you! I know. But, truthfully, i don’t know. I do have the answers that if verbalized come across sounding like trite Christianeze sayings to you. I have a heart that longs to walk with you, step by step until you are on your way toward deep healing, but I can’t be the one. I have an eagerness to take away your pain and promise you better days ahead. But, that is not my place to make you such promises. I can only point to the One who can. Though well intentioned I may be, what I or any other offers will always pale in comparison to He who does know all regarding you. I might know some of what you experience, things I can relate to, but I would never claim to have walked where you’ve walked or have the answers you long to hear. My prayer though, for all the dear ones I know of, those who hold things so close to their chest at times it threatens to crush their ability to exhale...is that someway, somehow the ashes you now see within become the very thing He longs to use to create a beautiful work of art as only He can. Hand the ashes over...IT’S TIME, my friends, it’s time...